Saturday, December 26, 2009

In Case Anyone Cares!

Hello and welcome to the first post in a long time. I'm sure everyone has just been filled with sorrow that I haven't been writing. As you all know this is a busy time of year and youth directors are not immune to the shuffle. We spent Christmas at my Grandmother's house in Morning Sun, Iowa. It was delightful as always to be treated like a king and eat like there won't be another meal in the rest of the year.

Our little Josie had her tonsils out on December 12th. Anyone who's little one has had a similar experience knows what an ordeal that is. She did well the first day and since then she's been very whiny and has grown very accustomed to being waited on hand and foot. It will be a difficult transition for her back into paupery when she's done healing. Finally, today she didn't need pain medicine for most of the day. Praise the Lord that she is improving.

I will be departing from Chicago on Tuesday the 29th headed to Guatemala. I am very excited to see my good friends the McCauley's and Hanken's. It will definitely be different not to be around my family for 10 days. Hopefully I can get my SKYPE set up so I can see them a couple of times through the week.

With my trip I hope to gain an idea of what mission opportunities there are down in Guatemala. I hope that in the near future we will be able to take a small group of young people down there to visit and to minister to the people there. This trip will give me a chance to see what kind of work is available for us to do in Jesus' name while we're down. It will also give me an opportunity to thaw out from all of the winter weather we have been dealing with here. Hopefully my plane is able to depart normally. Please pray for me a safe and profitable journey.

With that I'll close my first update in a while. Thank you all for your support and prayers this year. I look forward to serving the youth of A-P again in 2010. God bless!


Jan 10th, 2010: 180 at 630pm

Jan 13th, 2010: Early Herd 330pm-500pm
Regular Herd 630pm-810pm