Friday, October 23, 2009


Good evening. I hope most of you aren't reading this and are out cheering on our Falcon boys as they make their best attempt at making the playoffs. I'm listening to GR and Grundy on the radio and rooting hard for the Spartans. I wish I knew their fight song right now. I'm not wearing maroon, but maybe I should be. It sounds as though our fellas had an exceptional first half so I hope they keep it up.

I am behind a die-soft fan, warm here in my office. We have our Student Connection Fall Banquet tomorrow and I'm using getting the most out of the last minute. The meal starts at 6pm tomorrow with dinner served at 630pm or so. I hope you are already coming because I don't really know if there is any room or food for any more people. This is one of our biggest fundraisers for the year so pray for deep pockets and generous hearts. This community has always been very giving and I'm sure the Lord will continue to provide.

If you need me tomorrow I may not be available as there is much to do and not a lot of time to do it. Sunday will be 180, and it will be meeting at 400pm at the Student Connection. We are heading out to the farm of Kim and Randy Brocka to enjoy the outdoors for possibly the last time before the snow flies.

GO SPARTANS, they just scored another touchdown. Brandon Krusey is the man.

I should get going so I can continue utilizing the waning minutes before tomorrow's banquet. Procrastination, yet another fine attribute I picked up from my raising. God bless each of you and hope to see you tomorrow at the banquet or Sunday at 180, and if you're really hard up for entertainment maybe both.


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